Quality meets quantity - how we helped genU Training generate 556 applications in one year

More than ever, prospective students want you to anticipate their needs and offer relevant experiences. This means you not only need to find ways to deliver against these expectations, but be adaptable as the goal posts change too.

Since partnering with genU Training in January 2023, that’s what we’ve set out to do. We launched with a goal to build a strong pipeline for their conversion team and drive application numbers by focusing on high-quality prospects.

Since then we’ve promoted 10+ courses across Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. The courses cover disability, mental health and community services. With 556 applications generated (and counting) with our help, we attribute the success of our campaign to two major strategic decisions:

  • 1. Making data-driven choices to incrementally improve lead quality over time
  • 2. Leveraging a segmented approach for more granular, study-area level insights and optimisations

Keep reading to see how we did it.

  • 556
  • Applications from leads generated
  • 7.68%
  • Landing page conversion rate above industry average
  • 60%
  • Profiling page conversion rate

The Team

Chamalee Karunanayake | Account Director

Sasa Atienza | Customer Success Lead

Georgia Worswick | Campaign Director

Nicholas Failla | Copywriter

Dana Wu | Designer

Real-time insights from our call centre

Integrating real-time insights from our Melbourne-based call centre was a game-changer, no doubt about it. This unique approach provided us with immediate feedback on lead quality, allowing the team to adjust targeting and messaging in line with what was happening on the ground.

Being able to pivot based on direct audience interaction proved to be instrumental in enhancing the effectiveness of our campaigns, ensuring that we could continue to align with the needs and interests of prospective students. Plus with additional data points captured through in our profiling pages, we were able to support the call centre team in turn.

Creating a funnel-based campaign structure

It almost goes without saying that the pay off of a meticulously thought-out campaign structure is worth it, but we’ll say it anyway. A key part of our success was having a consideration campaign with a TOFU landing page and state-based ad creative, and a conversion campaign (targeting MOFU and BOFU) with study area landing pages and retargeting ad creative.

This campaign setup allowed us to be agile in changing budget allocations depending on funding changes for the courses, promoting a state more during a key intake period and personalising each touchpoint.

So, how did we do?


Total leads generated from Jan 2023 - Jan 2024


Applications from leads generated


Landing page conversion rate above industry average


Profiling page conversion rate providing insightful data points

“We’ve been able to take the campaign from quite a narrow and small-scale starting point to activity that now spans 4 states, 7 channels and 10+ courses. The close and collaborative relationship we have with the client means we are planning our activity to help them meet their business goals, not just achieve the lowest possible cost per lead. It’s been rewarding to play a part in helping the genU team shape their digital strategy and gain insights into their acquisition journey that they haven’t been able to access before.”

— Georgia Worswick

Campaign Director

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