

Understanding the Latest Google & Yahoo Email Deliverability Updates

What you need to know

Heads up, marketers! Google and Yahoo have just shaken things up in the email world, and your delivery rates might start to feel the heat.
Don’t panic, though — this is actually good news. It’s all about making email safer and more trustworthy for everyone. But it does mean we need to adapt.

Here’s the TL;DR:

  • Authentication’s hot: Think of it like verifying your ID at the email club. Google and Yahoo want stricter standards to keep out spammers. Get your DKIM, SPF, and DMARC in order, stat.
  • Engagement matters: Blast emails to everyone? Think again. Users are in control now. Focus on sending relevant, engaging content to people who actually want it. High open rates and low complaints make you look like a rockstar sender.
  • Data’s your best mate: Numbers tell the story. Use analytics to understand your audience and track performance. Ditch the shotgun approach and craft targeted campaigns that hit the mark.

The bottom line is that it’s time to level up your email game. Focus on quality, build trust, and ditch the spammy tactics. This new era of email is all about real connections, and that’s something we can all get behind.

Here are our top tips on tackling the changes ahead…

How can I improve my email deliverability?

The new era of email deliverability demands more than just good intentions. Google and Yahoo just upped the email game, and marketers need to level up. Delivering engaging content to the right people is the new play.

Here’s your email strategy toolkit:

Content that clicks: Ditch the generic blasts and speak directly to your audience’s desires. Segmentation and personalisation are your secret weapons.

    • Get interactive: Open rates only tell half the story. Make your emails into playgrounds! Playful designs, video snippets, and irresistible CTAs get readers clicking, forwarding, and loving your brand.
    • Clean is king: Pruning your list of inactive subscribers might seem scary — but trust us, a smaller, engaged audience is gold. Less is definitely more in the engagement game.
    • Tech matters: Don’t leave deliverability to chance. Master email authentication and sender reputation. Use tools to track your performance and constantly refine your strategies.

How can I win back my audience?

Worried about losing subscribers? The new email landscape presents a perfect opportunity to reignite those connections. Persuasion and engagement are your magic spells in this game.

Return invitation

Imagine a subscriber hovering over the unsubscribe button. Don’t let them vanish!

An alluring opt-back strategy is your weapon. Weave exclusive content, sneak peeks, or special offers into your communications to make every prospect feel like a VIP.

Upgrade your unsubscribe

Unscribing doesn’t need to mean “goodbye forever”.

Optimise your subscription process to turn a potential loss into a chance to reconnect, by offering alternatives on the opt-out confirmation page like frequency adjustments or content preference updates. Treat it as a feedback loop, not a dead end, and you might just uncover new ways to keep them enthralled.

Kill your boring confirmation email

Don’t send a boring confirmation email following an unsubscribe — this is your last dance! Express genuine appreciation, highlight what they’ll miss, and sprinkle a touch of FOMO for good measure.

Remember, sometimes all it takes is a well-worded reminder to make them reconsider the unsubscribe click.

Attract them back, naturally

Inbound marketing is where you can shine here. Become a content powerhouse; craft blog posts, videos, or social media gems that showcase your value. Let your past subscribers rediscover the reasons they once fell for you.

How can I set up authentication for the sending domain?

Email spoofing and phishing attacks are always lurking in the shadows, ready to impersonate your brand and wreak havoc. That’s where email authentication steps in as your shield against the digital unknown.

With Google and Yahoo emphasising security, mastering authentication is no longer a “maybe” – it’s a must-have for every email hero.

There are three key players in verifying that emails are legitimate:

SPF (Sender Policy Framework): Think of it as a whitelist for your domain. It tells the world who can send emails on your behalf, stopping unauthorised senders in their tracks.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): This one’s like a digital signature. It encrypts your emails, ensuring they stay tamper-proof from sender to inbox. No sneaky edits allowed!

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance): DMARC acts as your security commander. It tells email servers what to do with emails that fail authentication: quarantine, reject, or report — you call the shots.

Setting these up might require some technical finesse, but trust us, it’s worth the effort. These are the pillars of a safe and trustworthy email universe, and by embracing them, you can:

Boost deliverability: No more emails vanishing into the spam abyss.

Protect your brand: Stop imposters from tarnishing your reputation.

Safeguard your audience: Phishing attacks? Not on your watch! Keep your subscribers safe and sound.

Ready to level up your email game?

Email just got a major reboot, and it’s your chance to shine. Forget generic blasts — think laser-focused content, tailored to each reader’s desires.

And don’t forget your tech shield. Authentication keeps the bad guys out and your emails soaring past spam traps.

This isn’t just about compliance, it’s about evolution. Time to blend creativity with tech smarts, reach inboxes and hearts, and build email communication that matters. Welcome to the new landscape.

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