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How To Use Video and UGC in a Property Downturn

Learn more about the benefits of using video and user-generated content in a downturn to build demand and engage with prospects in a meaningful...

2 years ago

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How To Get the Most Out of Your NZ Property Campaign

The New Zealand property market is always changing, so it’s important as property marketing experts to always keep an eye on the trends that are...

2 years ago

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4 Steps to Optimise Your Post Enquiry Call Process

Sharing the secret sauce... Did you know that Social Garden offers a call concierge service for customers and has 10 full-time agents based in...

4 years ago

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How COVID-19 Is Changing The Property Research Process

Background As we move deeper into the social distancing regime due to the spread of COVID-19 we are slowly (and I do mean slowly) starting to see...

4 years ago

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5 Steps to Create Display Walk-Through Content on a Budget

The property market is facing a huge challenge at the moment as the sector navigates adapting to COVID-19. How do we sell homes to people when...

4 years ago

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Property Marketing & Sales During COVID-19

Background The rapid spread of COVID-19 will herald significant changes in consumer behaviour over the coming weeks as stricter government...

4 years ago

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Converting Property Leads Into Buyers

So, you’ve got too many leads to count? It’s a good problem to have! While having too many property leads is one that might be unique to the...

4 years ago

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The Ultimate Home Builder Review: Spring Offers 2019

Home builders across the country have continued to deliver their biggest offers in Spring. During the 2019 promotional season we have seen four...

5 years ago

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Facebook Attribution Reporting Explained

How does Facebook Attribution work? Relying solely on cookies and last-click attribution won’t give you the whole picture of which parts of your...

5 years ago

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3 Steps Marketing & Sales Need to Plan for Ahead of Christmas

It seems like only yesterday that Spring Promotions went from planned to launched and still there is plenty to be done before the annual migration of...

5 years ago

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