Content Marketing

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The Keys to a Great Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is a great way to build on your audience, increase conversions and forge strong customer relationships. But how can you achieve a...

2 years ago

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A Typical Day in the Life of a Sprout Intern

The day begins at the Social Garden office at 8.30am, as I walk in ready for the day ahead, after jamming to a boppy playlist on my car ride in. If...

2 years ago

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Content personalisation

Content Personalisation 101

You might have heard about content personalisation in your travels around the digital marketing world. But what is it, exactly?  Read on for your...

2 years ago

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Time To Switch to Quantitative UX for Your Marketing!

Picture this: You design some great-looking landing pages and ads. Then you spend thousands of dollars promoting these marketing creatives. After all...

2 years ago

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Customer Journey Mapping

Understanding the Customer Journey

What is the customer journey? How well do you know the customer journey? Understanding the customer journey helps us to cater to the specific needs...

2 years ago

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Best practices when measuring email performances

Best Practices When Measuring Email Performance

What makes a successful email campaign? How do you filter through the right metrics? Which practices help drive engagement and revenue? Let’s deep...

2 years ago

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Why You Need AI in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Aren't we lucky to be marketers working in the digital age? Rather than tech taking our jobs as previously thought, it will do the menial tasks...

2 years ago

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User-Generated Content for Ecommerce 101

How to start user-generated content for ecommerce User-generated content is one of the best inbound marketing methods out there. Prove us...

2 years ago

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TikTok Made Me Buy It: How TikTok Marketing Boosts Your Sales

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. TikTok is here to stay. More importantly, TikTok users are shopping for products online more than...

2 years ago

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Benefits of Autoresponders & How to Use Them

48 hours. That’s how long a new lead is the most engaged with your brand for. With such a short amount of time, businesses need to make it easy...

2 years ago

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The Ultimate Guide to Using Image Extensions in Google Ads

Image extensions are one of the more recent ad extensions to unfold in Google Ads and deliver exactly what it sounds like; images that accompany your...

2 years ago

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Top 6 Creative Trends in Property Marketing Right Now

If there’s one thing we at Social Garden know how to do well, it’s creating damn good digital content for our clients. In order to create ads...

3 years ago

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