Lead Generation

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Targeting strategies

Mastering Segmentation & Targeting Strategies for a Killer Campaign

Picture this: you’ve come up with great content, your assets are crisp, and you’re ready to hit send. You send out your campaign along a...

1 year ago

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The Basics of SMS Marketing

Welcome to the world of SMS marketing! In today's digital era, where smartphones are a constant companion, SMS marketing provides a unique...

1 year ago

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The Keys to a Great Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is a great way to build on your audience, increase conversions and forge strong customer relationships. But how can you achieve a...

2 years ago

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Lead Scoring Best Practices

In an ideal world, a successful marketing campaign will come with hundreds and thousands of leads. An abundance of leads is what we’re all...

2 years ago

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Customer Journey Mapping

Understanding the Customer Journey

What is the customer journey? How well do you know the customer journey? Understanding the customer journey helps us to cater to the specific needs...

2 years ago

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How to Attract High Quality Leads

Asking yourself, how can I attract good quality leads? Well, you’re asking the right question. It’s important to seek out high quality leads to...

2 years ago

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5 Lead Generation Strategies to Generate Sales

Need to optimise your lead generation campaigns but fresh out of ideas? The following tried and tested lead generation ideas might just be the...

3 years ago

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Survey Results: How Has COVID-19 Impacted Education Providers?

Covid-19 has made for a challenging year in the education sector. With changes in the way that teaching is delivered and recruitment is occuring, we...

4 years ago

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4 Steps to Optimise Your Post Enquiry Call Process

Sharing the secret sauce... Did you know that Social Garden offers a call concierge service for customers and has 10 full-time agents based in...

4 years ago

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How COVID-19 Is Changing The Property Research Process

Background As we move deeper into the social distancing regime due to the spread of COVID-19 we are slowly (and I do mean slowly) starting to see...

4 years ago

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3 Steps Marketing & Sales Need to Plan for Ahead of Christmas

It seems like only yesterday that Spring Promotions went from planned to launched and still there is plenty to be done before the annual migration of...

5 years ago

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Lead Generation for International Students

Breaking new ground in the South American student market The Gordon International partnered with Social Garden to execute an international...

5 years ago

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