Setting record organic social engagement to elevate Victorian Education

In an era of mass-produced content, it can be hard to achieve brand cut-through. Students have the world at their fingertips with access to more information than ever before. So, understandably, the competition to attract international students is fiercer than ever. In a post COVID-19 world, how do you raise the value credentials of Australia among a plethora of study destinations - and communicate the value that the Education State has to offer?

Elevate your organic content strategy

It starts with the simple stuff. Creating consistent and cohesive content to establish a brand that’s:

  • Known among the target audience
  • Immediately recognisable
  • Top of mind for consumers

Sewing your organic seeds can take time. In fact, data from Hootsuite suggests that it can take up to two years to see real results.

So, how did we do it in 6 months?

  • 176.5% increase
  • in engagements in first 2 months
  • 36.6% engagement rate
  • on Instagram
  • 338% increase
  • in Facebook organic reach across 6 months

The Team

Holly Deakin | Account Executive

Lauren Lucas | Social Media Producer

A collaborative approach

When it comes to organic, we see the same client challenges again and again.

For the Department of Education, Victorian government schools, the key challenge was time.

While the team recognised the importance of maintaining a consistent online presence, their resources were stretched thin, making it difficult to sustain the desired volume of content in line with best practice strategy.

This is where we come in.

More than just alleviating workload, we worked with, rather than alongside, the team to develop a comprehensive social strategy that mobilised The Ambassador Platform and existing student-based user generated content to engage new audiences and elevate reach to record levels.

Integrated and optimised

Our strategy was geared to optimise the team’s social media presence and drive meaningful engagement. Central to our approach was the development of a templated system, designed to standardise the look and feel of their feed, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing aesthetic that resonated with their target audience.

In tandem with this, we implemented a comprehensive and integrated approach to content planning, leveraging our expertise to curate and schedule content strategically across Instagram, Facebook and YouTube Shorts.

The game changer? Boosting. By repurposing existing YouTube assets, we were able to maximise return on content for the client and positions students at the front captivate new audiences and foster genuine connections.

Our strategic approach, underpinned by meticulous planning and collaboration, has yielded tangible results, propelling the Department of Education Victorian Government Schools towards greater visibility and engagement across their social media platforms.

So, how did we do?

Pulling back the curtain on the data points that matter most. See how we performed compared to the previous six months.


Increase in organic reach on Instagram


Increase in new Facebook followers


Engagement rate on Facebook

What does the client think?

“The success of this project comes down to collaboration. By working as an extension of the existing team, the Social Garden team has been able to deliver a platform-optimised and integrated approach - enhancing brand perception and awareness. Building trust and a shared understanding of best practice strategy bolsters our approach to achieving long-term organic goals.”

— Lauren Lucas

Social Media Producer

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