
Marketing transformation starts here Pro tip #1: Bookmark this blog (or subscribe so you don’t have to). Read more

Marketing transformation starts here

Pro tip #1: Bookmark this blog (or subscribe so you don’t have to).

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Living and Working from Home During COVID-19

It’s been nine weeks since many of us at the Garden started working from home. Talking to colleagues, it’s clear we all have different attitudes...

4 years ago

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7 Digital Marketing Problems & How to Fix Them

The shift toward adopting digital marketing has become almost mandatory for organisations of every kind and size. For small to medium businesses...

4 years ago

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Education Marketing Response to COVID-19

These are difficult times but if there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that everyone is spending more time online. Luckily, that’s where WE...

4 years ago

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An Education Marketer’s Top 5 Guide to Remote Content Delivery

Education Marketer’s Guide to Remote Content

Our rapidly changing global situation means that institutions across the education and training sector in Australia have had to shift their higher...

4 years ago

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A practical guide to TikTok for Universities

Setting up your brand page Setting up the brand page is simple - choose a handle, profile photo, and write a very short bio. When you get to the end...

4 years ago

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Utilise the most powerful tool in Marketing—video

Video content has become the focal point for any powerful marketing strategy, regardless of what industry you are operating in. However, creating...

4 years ago

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Key Business Marketing Strategies & Metrics

All digital businesses depend on a well-structured marketing strategy to grow and develop. However, a well-thought strategy needs accurate,...

4 years ago

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How COVID-19 Is Changing The Property Research Process

Background As we move deeper into the social distancing regime due to the spread of COVID-19 we are slowly (and I do mean slowly) starting to see...

4 years ago

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5 Steps to Create Display Walk-Through Content on a Budget

The property market is facing a huge challenge at the moment as the sector navigates adapting to COVID-19. How do we sell homes to people when...

4 years ago

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Property Marketing & Sales During COVID-19

Background The rapid spread of COVID-19 will herald significant changes in consumer behaviour over the coming weeks as stricter government...

4 years ago

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Our Top 3 Tips for Getting Buyers to Sales Appointments

Moving leads along from enquiry to attending a sales appointment is one of the biggest jumps in the sales funnel, and can prove difficult without the...

4 years ago

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Converting Property Leads Into Buyers

So, you’ve got too many leads to count? It’s a good problem to have! While having too many property leads is one that might be unique to the...

4 years ago

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