The Most Valuable
Thing You're
Probably Not Doing

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is one of the key tools we use to turn good campaigns into great ones that deliver straight to your bottom line.

What’s The Down Low on CRO? It Does Exactly What it Says...

CRO is the systematic and rigorous process of incrementally increasing conversion
rates on your website or landing pages.

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What Makes Em Tick

Any good CRO strategy starts with a solid understanding of the motivations and drivers of your audience.

With our 9 years experience working in property, we’ve got a deep well of market-tested insights for every persona, product and market condition.

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Choose Your Own Adventure

Once we understand the triggers of your buyer’s behaviour, we’ll establish our initial testing hypotheses.

Depending on your audience, monthly spend and project lifestage, we’ll choose a testing approach that maximise initial conversion rates and key insights.

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Then The Fun Starts!

When your campaign is in market, things shift into overdrive as we start to get data-driven insights on our initial tests.

Using tools like heat mapping and screen recordings we identify opportunities to improve conversion, which in turn delivers more opportunity to grow sales.

We Love CRO! Here’s Some Proof

Let’s be honest, we get a little nerdy about CRO. It’s like a vast jigsaw puzzle with infinite possibilities and powerful outcomes. But hey, it’s OK to geek out on it if delivers real results. Here’s some examples of when it does!

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Here’s what goes into it:

  • Customer Experience Strategy
  • Lead Capture Page
  • Thank You Pages
  • Data Capture Strategy
  • SMS Verification
  • Lead Profiling
  • Audience Segmentation
  • Intent Data Capture
  • CRM Integration
  • Lead Capture Page Design
  • Live Reporting
  • Custom Reporting

Conversion Rate Optimisation FAQs

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is the practice of increasing the number of users who convert on your website. CRO processes can also be applied to landing pages and advertising.

There isn’t one particular tool or A/B test that we define as best practice. We recommend following a data-driven, systematic approach that is focused on the user and their experience. It’s also not a set and forget process, so regular CRO audits and implementations are best.

At Social Garden, we’ve been delivering conversion rate optimisation services for 9+ years, specialising in the real estate and education sectors which have complex, extended pathways to purchase. We understand that CRO drives more sales opportunities and can provide rich data and insights into your audience which you can use to inform other marketing activities.

The benefits of CRO are important. Optimising your conversion rate lowers your cost per acquisition and gets you more value for your marketing spend. CRO principles can be applied at each stage of the customer journey to create the optimal sales experience.

We use a range of different tools for conversion tracking, user flow tracking and heat mapping to understand our client’s current state and where users are dropping off. Get in touch with our team to learn more about the CRO tools that would work for you.

Our team uses a combination of reporting and performance tools to audit and implement CRO. We report on elements such as page load speed, device optimisation, messaging, UX/UI design, navigation and content structure, the current user journey and conversion points.

Performance Marketing Services

Check out the other services we offer:

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Lead Generation

Bottom-line focused performance lead generation backed by deep industry specialisation.

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Retargeting solutions for every stage of your sales journey from first impression to sale.

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Social Media Marketing

Data-driven content strategy and execution that stays ahead of trends and drives sales.

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Lead Generation

Bottom-line focused performance lead generation backed by deep industry specialisation.

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Retargeting solutions for every stage of your sales journey from first impression to sale.

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Social Media Marketing

Data-driven content strategy and execution that stays ahead of trends and drives sales.

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Get in touch to request your free strategy review.

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